For the latest information, please visit the Health & Wellness section of the SJUSD website.
When your child does not feel well, it can be difficult to decide whether to send the child to school. For the safety of all, students with any of the symptoms below should not attend school.
To protect the health and safety of our entire community, students should not attend school with any of the symptoms below.
Symptoms to keep students at home:
For the safety of all, students with any of the following symptoms should not attend school:
- Severe cold symptoms (uncontrollable cough, difficulty breathing or trouble catching breath, or wheezing when not controlled by medication) Fever of 100.4°F or higher*
- Eyes or ear irritation (difficulty seeing or hearing, eye injury or pain that cannot be tolerated)
- Untreated, draining ears or earache
- Diarrhea (liquid stool)**
- Severe nausea or vomiting (2 or more times in 24 hours)***
- Severe sore throat (with difficulty breathing or swallowing)
- Untreated head lice and/or nits (eggs) in the hair
- Rash that is worsening, causing pain, has blisters or is not healing
If a student is at school with any of these symptoms and is unable to participate meaningfully in routine activities, a parent/guardian will be called to pick up the student.
*Students who have been ill with a fever should stay home if the fever is 100.4° F (38° C) or higher. Student may return if the fever resolves over the night and is gone in the morning without the use of medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen (Tylenol, Advil, or Motrin).
**Students experiencing diarrhea should stay home if they have liquid stool and are unlikely to make it to the toilet in time. Student may return to school when diarrhea has improved. Frequent hand washing is recommended.
***Students experiencing vomiting should stay home if they have had 2 or more vomiting episodes in 24 hours. Student may return to school when vomiting has ended overnight, and your child is able to hold down liquids and foods without vomiting. Frequent handwashing is recommended.
Under certain circumstances, parents may be asked to consult a physician and provide a written note from that physician indicating that the student may return to school.
Please visit the Health & Wellness section of the SJUSD website for more information.
Protocols for illness and outbreaks may change based on directions from the Public Health Department. For more information, please visit the CDPH guidance page.
Doctor’s Note/Contagious Illness:
- If your student visits the doctor please provide a note with the date of service.
- If your student is absent for 3 consecutive days due to illness, we ask that you provide a doctor’s note.
- If your student was diagnosed with a contagious illness (i.e. pink eye, strep throat, or lice, etc.), please call the school so we can distribute exposure notices.
Illnesses and Injuries at School:
When a student becomes sick or injured at school they will be assessed by the nurse and treated. Parents/guardians will be called to pick them up if necessary.