The School Site Council (SSC) is a team of parents, teachers, administrators and staff who work together to make decisions regarding the funding for the School Improvement Program, outlined in the school’s plan. SSC members make a commitment to serve a two-year term, and terms are staggered to ensure a mix of experienced and new participants. The SSC annually reviews the school budget, establishes a new budget and makes modifications as necessary. The California Education Code requires the School Site Council to develop a Single Plan for Student Achievement for Consolidated Application programs operated at the school. The council must recommend the proposed plan to the local governing board for approval, monitor its implementation, and evaluate the results. At least annually, the council must revise and recommend the plan, including proposed expenditures of all funds allocated to the school through the Consolidated Application, to the local governing board for approval.
This year the SSC and SELAC members meet together approximately one time each month at 3:15 p.m. in B-2 (Library/Media Center). See Meeting Schedule, Agenda, and Minutes below.
Reed School Site Council Bylaws (PDF)